
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Six Golden Geek Noninations for Fate Core

The 2013 Golden Geek Award nominees were announced last week, and six of them are for Evil Hat's Fate Core and Fate Core supplements. I've wanted to write about the Fate role-playing engine for some time now and I have done so on my Steampunk blog The Aetheric Sargasso. If you have a taste for role-playing games please check it out.
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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Circus Acceleratus: Last Lap

Machinas - Death Races in the Wasteland is entering its final week on Indiegogo. Machinas is a car racing/combat card game from Two Hour Wargames set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Each deck provides enough cards for up to four people, and currently unlocked stretch goals offer two additional decks with more cars and weapons for up to 12 people! Here's a video on playing the game:

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Saturday, February 8, 2014